UPDATE 03/08/21
With increased cases and the threat of quarantines from "App Pings" the parish council have made the decision to not proceed with a village day this summer. We hope that we can organise an event next year.
UPDATE 25/06/21
With delays to the current government plan we are not able to meet at the Stag as intended. We are postponing the planning meeting but do still hope to organise a fun day on the August Bank holiday Monday. This however is still to be confirmed, with the situation changing regularly.
We are very excited to announce, if the current government road map continues, we will be holding a Village Fun Day this August. The date will be announced soon.
To make this happen we need your help, if you would like to assist with the running of the day from organising food, music, a stall, or something we haven't yet thought of please get in touch.
For more info please contact Sarah Child (sarah.child@rackenfordpc.com) or Peter Jones (peter.jones@rackenfordpc.com).