To spare you the need to read through the upcoming minutes from last weeks Parish Council meeting, here are some key community updates, that we would like to share with you.
Queens Jubilee Fun Day - 2nd of June

The Parish Council is pleased to announce plans for a village event for the Queens Jubilee on the 2nd of June. Please save the date. If you would like to be involved in helping with the day please contact . The latest details will be available here.

We have been made aware that currently the contractor tasked to fill potholes has a shortage of potholes to fill. Which looking around our roads does seem incredible. It is essential that we report all potholes to highways. you can do this with this link -
Local Businesses and Service Listing
We have compiled a list of local businesses and services as well as information for those who are new to our community, take a look here. If you have a business or service you would like us to add please contact
Rackenford Common Open Events Building

A reminder please to send back your feedback and support for the proposed open building on the common. Full Details are available here